
3rd May 2023

How an Estate Plan Can Help Improve Anxiety

People may procrastinate because they fear an unpleasant outcome, struggle with perfectionism, or feel overwhelmed. Occasional procrastination, like occasional anxiety, is normal. But when procrastination starts to negatively impact your life, causing you to put off important tasks, it may be time to take corrective action.  Contemplating death and disability does not have to be a morbid, anxiety-producing exercise. It can be a productive exercise in which unpleasant thoughts are channeled into meaningful actions. 
17th December 2021

Planning Considerations for Unmarried Partners

When it comes to protecting your unmarried partner, there are several options to consider. Depending on the value of your money and property, your desired level of protection from your partner’s creditors, and other factors unique to your situation, one or more of these strategies may be beneficial. A word of caution: regardless of what methods you use, you must work with an experienced estate planning attorney. While do-it-yourself options may be cheaper, they can sometimes create more problems than they solve, and the problems can be expensive to remedy.
9th December 2021

Why Unmarried Partners Should Care about Estate Planning

More people such as yourself are entering long-term committed relationships without getting married. Unfortunately, many state and federal laws do not protect unmarried couples as they do married couples when it comes to inheritance, taxes, and decision-making powers. Therefore, it is important that you engage in comprehensive financial and estate planning, because without proper planning, your beloved partner could end up with nothing should you pass away.
21st October 2021
Life Events Requiring EP Updates

Which life events require an immediate estate plan update?

Since your family’s needs and circumstances are constantly changing, so too must your estate plan. Your plan must be updated when certain life changes occur. These include, but are not limited to: marriage, the birth or adoption of a new family member, divorce, the death of a loved one, a significant change in assets, and a move to a new state or country.
19th August 2021
43,000 Children Orphaned

COVID-19 and Minor Children: Things to Consider Now

Protecting your family is important, especially when you have minor children, and even more so now that we are living through a pandemic. With all of the unknowns of our current situation, you need some certainty. Having an up-to-date estate plan can be the first step toward providing that certainty in an uncertain world.
12th July 2021
It's Only for the Rich

Myths We Tell Ourselves About Estate Planning

Even for those of modest means, who gets your hard-earned savings when you die is an important consideration. Without any planning, state law will decide who gets what—and many times, what the government’s best guess as to what you would want is contrary to what you actually want. But, because you did not take the opportunity to formalize your wishes in an estate plan, the state has to step in and do it for you.